Monday, January 24, 2011

Extensive Reading: Activity 3 (Homework II)

1) Read the text entitled "Odd Mishaps Cause Computer Grief"
2) Respond to the following tasks:

a. The text gives 6 examples of data disasters. Choose 3 that you think are the most disastrous.
b. Why?
c. Share with your classmates an incident of data loss that you have experienced.

3) You have until the end of this week to post your comments
4) Make sure to identify yourself clearly.


CHUN POH KEONG (EA09082 E23) said...

a)Three of the passages which the most disastrous are passages which written by Brian, Rob Nicole and also Bill .I chose these three texts because these occurrences are out of control from human hands.

b)The first text , it tells us that a mother throw her keyboard , thrown her computer out of her window . I guess is either she lost the documents or it is the hard ware failure. Secondly , the most worst one is because his computer was shocked by lightning, till it blews up his computer .It is the most unexpected event that you would never and ever wish to be happen, every assignments that have be done will just perish within a blink of an eye.What can I say ?It was just an accident. Third passage , the most hilarious one, that make me that we should never mess up with any animals especially monkeys .This reminds me that we should lock our computer before we leave our computer alone .Without locking our computer , our computer might be dropped , slipped or tripped by others which may causes computer break into pieces.

c)Blue screen , the most common death faced by many people who are using the computers daily especially student like myself . Causes of blue screen is normally pop up when your computer memory usage was overused , installed 3rd part soft wares which are not incompatible with your computer ,bad sectors inside your memory and also hard drives. After you had done these , your computer will pop out the blue screen which will automatically restart your device without your notices.That’s the thing that we and most people don’t like , if this happen to your computer , then you wil have no chance to retrieve your data or save anything before exit the programs . Try imagine when a student is doing his assignments , then this “devil” crush in a sudden , then you will have to redo all your hard work without complaints. This devil never say goodbye to you ,it just like a sickness that never healed. So, can we avoid this from happen ? Or it depends on your luck when you buying your device. All the advices that you will get is “buy a new laptop”.That sentence always makes me mad. Does changing a new laptop solve this puzzle? Or it is Window OS’s defects. After this happen to me many times , I get some advice from a senior who studied computer science(software engineering).He said that I need to shut down your computer when you not using it . He adds on ,that I shouldn’t allow my laptop to working overnight for download some large capacity of soft wares , so that the computer will not over heat and get blue screen . I sad okay to him, I tried even update the BIOS but was futile , it still reoccurs in these recent days . So , It is clearly shown that we should always back up your data , to prevent such annoyance . Since I said that this blue screen will find you although you don’t installed incompatible soft wares , so that ‘s means that this will come out when it is out of student business which also known as the hard ware problems .That is also why that blue screen is so popular because this problem is belongs to the computer manufacturer . Finally I would like to conclude that data back up is vital to every computer users , it is no exception for anyone whether you use it not often or not .

aiman syakir-Ea09093 said...

a) For me, three most disastrous data loss are written by Rob Nicol, Graham and Darren Gillett.
b) These three person tell us their experience how their loss the data not by their fault. The data loss are uncontrollable. Rob Nicol loss his data due to the overdue electricity while Darren Gillett loss by overheat hard drive and Graham cause by clumsiness.
c) For the data loss accident, i have two incident that happened to me. The first one is when i buy my first laptop. As a first buyer, i buy Acer brand because cheaper compare to the other model. The problems come to me at the beginning i use the laptop. It happens when the laptop are overheated. When it overheated, it will turn off suddenly. It happens anytime whether i do the assignment or playing the game. When it happens, all the data i work on it are loss and some of them i can't trace it and now the laptop are unusable because the LCD screen are damage. It can be repair but i refuse it. The second incident happen to me recently. while I do my blogging activities, suddenly an anti virus named 'antivira' intrude my anti virus without my notification. At that time I used 'Macaffe'. The new anti virus trouble me because it prevent me to open any window. At first i try to delete the anti virus but the antivira block it. I ask my friend opinion and ask for him help but he also can't do anything. At the end I just format my laptop without do any backup because the blocking. Now, my laptop back to normal but i loss all the data and all the driver for my laptop.

Muhammad Bazli Bin Omar (EA09030) said...

The three passages that is the most disastrous to me is the one written by Rob Nicol,Graham,and Bill. The reason why i choose these passage are that the ways of the data loss was quiet sad.
From the story Rob Nicol write, his friend lost the entire assignment during a thunderstorm. From Graham story also, all the work that were done just lost in an instant due to lost of power. Just imagine if you have worked so hard to finish your homework that almost takes 10 hours to be completed, then all of the your work just completely gone in an instant and you have to start all over again. This really shows how annoying something like lost of data can be. From the story of Bill, we know that we should lock and secure our laptop before we leave it. Even at home, we cannot leave it like we want to, someone might broke in and steal it or our child might play with it. Our laptop's fate might end just like with Bill's laptop.
I myself experience data loss. One time when i was writing an essay, my friend come to my room and asked whether he can use my printer or not. As im working on my essay, my friend accidentally switch my laptop power source off when he should have just touch the printer switch. My laptop turn off and all my work just gone like that. Speechless of what have happen, i turn back my laptop on and help him with printing his work. And after that i start my work all over again instead of finishing it 2 hours before.

Lim Wei Keong(EA09086) E21 said...

a) One of the 3 passages that I think are the most disastrous is the text wrote by Rob Nicol which is about his friend lost a 10000 word assignment that was supposed to hand in the next day, however the computer where the assignment was blew up by lightning strike. The second text which is wrote by Steve stated that his friend ask a client to make a copy of the disks and sent back to him in order to solve some problem, but instead, the client photocopied the disks on 2 A4 pages. The third text that I choose is the text that wrote by Bill. The text is about his laptop was carried and throw down from a tree by a monkey during his trip to Nairobi in Kenya.

b) The reason that I choose text wrote by Nicol and Bill is due to the reason of cause by natural phenomena, which is out of the control of us. We can’t blame anyone because it is pure “lucky”(or I should say bad luck) when this kind of situations happen to us. On the other hand, I choose text wrote by Steve because it is purely human’s blunder. This thing happened mostly because the client didn’t had any knowledge on how to make a copy of the disks or maybe there was some miscommunication between Steve’s friend and his client. If this happens to us, I think most probably we will either curse or even whack the person who ever tries to do that.

c) One of the most “memorable” incident of data loss that I had experience was during the time when I was still studying in form 5. There was one time when I was doing my assignment, and it took me a few days to do that. The moment I finished typing my last words, suddenly my out of nowhere a thunder strike and hit my house. After that, I realized that my computer was killed and all my work was lost. Luckily through one of my relatives, I manage to retrieve the assignment and able to pass up in the end.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

a) From 6 examples of data disasters, I think the most disastrous are the experiences written by Brian, Rob Nicole and Darren Gillett.

b) I have some reasons why I chose these three texts. For the first text written by Brian, it is about a mother who is so angry because she can’t get something to print and completely rip the keyboard and mouse out of sockets and throw out the window. It seems like she had lost of the data or have a problem with the computer such as the computer might contain a lot of virus. Next, for the text written by Rob Nicole, it tells about the thunderstorm and the house that hit by lightning that has blew up the computer and completely lost the entire assignment. It happened without our expectation and he must redo the assignment that he had done. It is a waste of time and getting more tired of it. For the third text written by Darren Gillett, it is about the overheat hard drive that causes the owner to dump it in the plastic bag and put it into a bucket of ice to keep it cold enough to recover the data. It such an act that are out of control. It might damage the hard drive.

c) I also have an experience of losing the data. It happens when my laptop was overheated an automatically turn off. It causes my assignment was totally lost and I have to redo it again. It is such a wasting time and tired to think again what had I done.

ELMI SALINAS (EA09037) said...

a)I think that the three passages which is the most disastrous which is written by Brian, Rob Nicole and Bill.

b)For the first text which is written by Brian, it is about her mother that too frustrated because she couldn't get something to print, hence she proceed to rip the keyboard and mouse and throw them out the window. It might be something happen to the files that need to be print. I think, maybe the documents was lost and she can't print it.
For the text is written by Rob Nicole, it is about lost a 10,000 word assignment due to thunderstorm and lightning which is fused the entire house's electricity and blew up the computer. It happened without our expectation. Can you imagine a 10,000 word assignment that need to be submit just lost all that way. If I am in that situation, absolutely I will mad and frustrated.
For the third text which is written by Bill, it is about his own mistakes, that is leaving his laptop on table. In this case, monkey was hopping out of the bedroom window with laptop. This really shows how annoying something like lost of data can be. So moral of the story, we need lock and secure our laptop before we leave it.

c)I myself had experience about lost a data. During my work in writing an essay, there is something happen to my laptop. My laptop become stuck because of overheated and automatically turn off. I forgot to save first what I have done and suddenly this situation happen. It cause my assignment was totally lost and I have to redo it again. It such a wasting time.

NUR ADILA BINTI ALI(EA09073) said...

a)From the text entitled "odd mishaps cause computer grief"that i read the most disastrous are passages which written by Brian,Rob Nicol and Bill.I choose this passages because it happen at out of our expectation.
b)From the first story where mother rip the keyboard and mouse out of the sockets and throw them out the window when she couldn't get something to print.It seem like have data lost or problem with her computer.Second story is about university student was doing his assignment and during the night there was a thunderstorm and his house was hit by lightning which fused the entire house's electricity and blew up his computer.I think this most disastrous situation.He not only lost all the data about the assignment his computeralso blew up cause of lightning.He had to do his assignment again and must buy a new computer.Last story that i think quite funny where the writer said "if you leave your laptop unattended in Nairobi leave a banana on top of it as a protection offering for that monkey.This is because his laptop was stolen by monkey when he left his laptop on a table by the window.He trying to get back his laptop but that monkey promptly threw the laptop away and taht laptop cracked and bashed lastly would not work anymore.
c)I also have an experience of losing the data.It happen when i'm doing my assignment and it must submit for the next day.Suddently my laptop blank when i adjust the screen.No image or text appear on my screen.I do not know why it's happen.I switch on my laptop back and luckly the screen turn back into normal condition but unfortunately all my work simply disapper and nothing i can do.It's occur frequently and i asked my friend who is expert in computer, why it's happen.He said it's something with the wiring between screen and keyboard,it maybe loose and that's why screen blank when i adjust it.The cost to repair a bit expensive.I just let it be and still used that laptop.


a) The three text that I think the most disastrous is first the text written by Rob Nicol, England. Second text is written by Graham, Belgium and the last text is written by Bill, UK
b)For the first text that written by Rob Nicol, England about one friend had completed his assignment but his house was hit by lightning and because of that he lost the entire assignment that he finish in the evening before the morning it was due to be handed in. For the second text that written by Graham, Belgium on he was training a group of middle that they not saving their work and someone suddenly pulled out the supply it caused the work that they working on disappear. This is because of his clumsiness. The last text I prefer to choose is written by Bill, UK that was about someone who visit Nairobi in Kenya but this person was not aware with monkeys which cause a lot of problem to visitors. I can conclude that for the first stories it can’t help because of the unexpected things happen but we can make a backup for our assignment. Second like I mention early it because of his attitude clumsiness but people not perfect and we also can change our self to be a better person. Last we must be aware where we are going and we also must ask who have experience on the place where we want to go.
c) I had an experience on losing data. While I was doing my work sometime my laptop got stuck and after I restart again I see only blank paper meaning that my work before this all disappear so I actually don’t like to doing a same work again but if work is important so I must keep doing it although it is wasting my time. Moral of this story set up another backup for our work or take care of our thing like laptop.

Unknown said...
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NUR ATIQAH YAACOB (EA09055) said...

a)From all the stories I have read, in my sight of view I think the story written by Bill, Rob Nicol, and Graham are the three most disastrous data loss.

b)The first is about a laptop being stolen by a monkey in Nairobi, Kenya while the owner is not around it. Then the laptop being threw away, smashed to the ground when its owner try to take it back. This is really a nightmare to have because its not about losing a file but the whole laptop is destroyed, by a monkey.
Story by Rob Nicol is also a kind of great disaster. Its about a student who loss his 10 000 words assignment in only a split of seconds, by lightning hit. This is so horrible when you have to submit your assignment on the next day but unfortunately you lost it in the very last minute.
Then, the text about a group in training using computers. They didn't save their work, so the trainer just pulled out the power plug, as a lesson for them in the future. Yes it is really annoying when the power supply is cut off while doing our work, but then it turns to a disaster if we do not save it yet.

c)So far I have no data loss experience that can be called as a disaster.

Unknown said...

luqman syafiq bin zainol abidin(ea09045)

a) From my reading trough 6 examples , I think I had choose 3 examples that most disastrous to me which is written by Rob Nicol, Steve and Darren Gillett.
b) The reason why I am choose the text wrote by rob nicol is because he had loss his 10,000 words assignment by lightning which fused the entire house's electricity and blew up his computer. I am ,you or the other people can’t blame to the what the god have do, but we should know that all works that we have done must save in proper way which is we can setting the save setting which every save the data after 10 minutes we do the works. Second, I am really like the paragraph that wrote by steve, this case is about the one person that is the blunder person. This all happen when the client did not have the knowledge about on how to make a copy of the disk or maybe there is some miscommunication between Steve friend. Third, its also same as steve story, which is Darren gillet who not have enough knowledge and just take first expression from the expert. He didn’t do the research how to get back the missing file by proper way.
c) I have the experiences of losing the data. It happen when one of my friends want to turn off the switch of the phone charger but suddenly he turn off the laptop power supply. Then, when I open back my laptop, all work that I do has gone without save one of my work that want to pass it to lecturer by tomorrow.

Unknown said...

From the text "Odd Mishaps Cause Computer Grief". There are examples of disasters. So, the most disastrous i think are by Brian, Scotland. Secondly, by Rob Nicol, England and lastly by Bill, UK.
Firstly, about Bill's mother that infuriated because of could not print something. So, she just throw away out of window.Next, its about the assignment that are all lose because of black out.It unexpected actually and more stress when must to finish quickly. This disaster were always happen to students when do their assignments. Lastly, about the negligence that are unpacked the laptop and just left it on the table. So, the table are near with the window and suddenly laptop are with monkey. Then, laptop were not functioning well because monkey threw away the laptop. As we know, laptop are the things that are so sensitive and easy to cracked.
From the examples, i think there have similarity with my experiences. One of that, about the loss all my data in my laptop.It happen when i have discussion with my group. At that time, we are do our part and we are do it at the public place but still in campus. At that time, i just use power supply for my laptop. Suddenly, my laptop are switch off and apparently someone had accidentally struck my laptop. So, all my data automatically lost and i do it for the second time. From that day i always beware with my laptop when do some works. So, the conclusion that i can make is always beware with your laptop or computers.

Sharifah Nurul Ain S.Ibrahim(EA09038) said...

From the 6 example of the data disasters given, I think the 3 experience that most disastrous are from Brian, Rob Nicol and Garham.

a)The story number 1 is about a mother that was very angry to the keyboard and mouse. Then, she decided to throw all that items through the window. Next is the experience from Rob Nicol which about his friend assignment was lost because of his house was hit by lightning. The last experience is from Graham which is he was training a group of executives about how to use spreadsheets, but suddenly he unplugged the power supply then all the data lost. I think from all the story, all the problem is they all do not save the file that he have been use or work.

b)I’m choosing that story because that story is near to my heart. Actually, we cannot expect what will happen to us, so we have to get ready all the time. As we can see, if all that person get ready with the unexpected thing, all thing kind of loosing data or something cannot be happened. Besides, we also have to think deeply before make decision. Example, that mother cannot simply throw out the keyboard and mouse. She also can try ask some else to repair that printer or the laptop if there is the problem about them. But, if the keyboard and the mouse is the problem she also can repair it. Another thing is we have to recheck all our works after we finished do something. Example, if that assignment has been check whether it has saved or not, that kind of things will not happen.

c)I also have experience of loosing data. From my experience is all about my fault. Actually, I have and assignment which is, I have to do the power point slide presentation, so as it have done, I don’t click the button “save as” as usual, I click the “X(close)” button on the top at the right side. Next, laptop ask me “do you want to save?” then, as soon as possible I click “no” as a result all my power point slide disappeared. With all the rage, I have to do it again. As the conclusion, I think all the things that we are dealing with the PC we have to save it before we finished it. It’s all the best things that we can do.


I choose examples that wrote by Rob Nicol, Darren Gillett and Graham.

I choose this 3 examples because its quite unlucky for student to lost 10,000 word assignment before due date. It take a lot of time to redo it and impossible to retype all back in few hours. Second, 30Gb is very large data , usually one single word document format is around 1Mb , I will lost my job if I giving an excuse to my manager , I lost 30Gb of company data along past 10 years because of overheat of hard drive. Lastly, failed by a trainer while training is hard to accepted.

I lost my photo album, precious moment with my family because I forgot to back up the file before I format my laptop.

Azierul Azry (EA09101) said...

1. From those paragraphs that I have read, I think the 3 experiences written by Rob Nicol, Graham and Bill were the most disastrous and little bit funny.
2. The first story was about an assignment in the university which he had done it in the evening before the tomorrow morning due to be handed in. Unfortunately the thunderstorm spoiled everything as his computer broke down and he lost all the data in just a second.
The second story was about the carelessness of the one person who was the leader of those trainers of middle executives. He pulled out the power plug without observing those cables that were connected. As a results, all the training group lost their data.
The third story was very surprising on how the monkey spoiled everything that can cause data losses even laptop losses. As the monkey frightened after heard the person shouted, the monkey threw the laptop away. From this story we also can learn on how to deal with monkey if we face them.

3.I myself have experienced data loss but not as terrible or disastrous as the above story. As I am typing the whole essay which about 90 percent done, suddenly the power supply in the house loss and then my computer turn off just like that within a second. All the data must be loss as I didn’t save it earlier.


a)From the six examples given,I think the most disastrous of data disasters are the one written by Rob Nicol,Darren Gillett and also by Bill.

b)The first one,after spent a lot of time doing the assignment,oh my God!It lost just like that.This incident we does not expected being happen in our life.Although we save all the data properly,but it still can lost if something like this came up.Next is about the hard drive overheated and burn up.It must be a panic situation,but he is lucky because he can get all the data back.Lastly is the laptop damage after being thrown by the monkey.He not just lost his data,but he lost his laptop.It may be a bad day for him.

c)I had experienced the data loss in my life.That day,I help my sister typing her assignment.Suddenly it's's very bad for me because I almost done with it.Nothing else I can do after that.Just waiting for the electricity and redo it again.

NiCh said...


After read all these mini stories, the most 3 data disastrous experience I think is by:
i) By Rob Nicol, England
From what Rob Nicol has mentioned that his friend loses assignments in single night cause by thunderstorm plus its burn the computer due to short circuit. Losing some data that we work on were most frightening situation among students, even though that it’s were natural cause disaster.
ii) By Graham, Belgium
From Graham stories tell that, he’s the one who accidently unplug his colleague’s computers from the main power supply which is cause bit of tension atmosphere among them when there were some of them not save the work. By the way, it’s tell us that it was back then when the software does not have the auto saved featured like today.
iii) By Bill, UK
This story tells about the author who left his laptop insecurely in hotel that cause stolen by a monkey. The just throw his laptop when he tries to get it cause damage and lose all data in his laptop. Although it were stolen by animal, he was careless because leave his laptop without lock or close the window.

I also want to share about how careless I am, it’s happen when I was still study in diploma. I lost my laptop when I stay in hostel and it’s was stolen. The moral that I gets is to make sure to lock our laptop to ensure its safe when we needed.

mohamad faiz asyraf bin mat zuhan(EA09123) said...

a) From six,i choose only three which is By Brian Scotland,
By Rob Nicol England and
By Bill UK. I choose these three text because these occurrence are closed situation with me as students.

b)For the first one means by Brian Scotland, it tells us how that mother throw all the computer part out of windows.This situation very funny to discuss because it show that how the people got angry when some error during corrupted of data.
Passage by Rob Nicol, England very nice and interesting to talk. This situation normal to students like me.Lost of data that need to submit,corrupt of data after long time to complete is very "disaster" for students.Imagine that,all effort to complete the task,lost in blink one eye,oh NO!!...But in Rob Nicol situation which is lost the data because of lightning,actually this case still can avoid.We already known the lightning is unexpected but we can use what we call surge arrest to avoid our electronic equipment from totally damage.
For the last passage by Bill, UK,he tell us about his vacation at Kenya.I think everybody known that Kenya country's very "naturally" country because here have a lot of animals and their very closed with human.So the moral from this story,think twice before go to Kenya if you not familiar with animal(haha laughing)..

C)I think so far i already face with only a certain lost data problem.For my laptop is not problem to me because i already put some "intelligent" on how to recovery back my data and this windows we can get at the market and maybe not famous to generally person but to gadget person,it very closed.During early i start to know about computer and gadget,i always got problem at my external hard disk.Can imagine,all my data including education,personal,funny with almost size 1T corrupted and can't to access anymore.So worst time for me,and last thing i can do,i went to Pertama Complex ,i saw one Indian man,and he suggest for me to buy one windows that can recovery all data.Even so expensive,but more important is valuable for me.


a) from 6 examples of data disasters i think the text that written by Brian, Rob Nicole and Bill are the more disastrous. this is because the three of the text happened without the human conscious about it.
b)the Brian text is a mother rip the keyboard and throw it to the window. for me, someone that angry cannot control themself. while, the Rob Nicole text is a friend at university that lose his assignment after thunderstorm happened and blew up his computer.for students is a disaster because the assignment should be submit and have to do last minutes. while, for the last text i choose is about loss of data because of monkey.this is not only the data loss but the laptop also destroyed.
c)i have no data loss experience.


I think the most disastrous experiences are from Bill, Rob Nicol and Brian. It is because their experience are the worst but funny at the same time.

First story from Brian, about his mother who threw out the keyboard and mouse through the window. Maybe she is too depressed or stress because of her data lossing but its really suprised to know that there is really exist that kind of mum in this world; just throw out everything then problem solved.Second, the text wrote by Rob Nicol, it is about his lost of his 10,000 word assignment due to thunderstorm. Because of the thunderstorm, the house’s electricity and his computer all blew up. But the worst part is, the assignment has to be submit on the next day.What can i say from this story, just deal with it because sometimes this kind of unexpected things happen in our life. Thirdly, from Bill, it is about a laptop that was left in a room then being stolen by a monkey in Nairobi,Kenya. The great disaster for me in this story when the laptop was threw away from a tree, smashed to the ground and the laptop totally destroyed . It is really worst and most painful part when you just can look at the laptop falling down then smashed to the ground with a broken heart.

Same as atiqah, i dont have any data loss and that can be called a disastrous experience yet.


a) After read from 6 examples of data disasters, I choose 3 story which written by Brian, Rob Nicole and also Bill.

b) These three stories are related to loss of data in which all data loss caused by environmental factors are difficult to protect. Brian loss her data when she want something to print. Rob Nicol loss his data because his home struck by lightning and blew up his computer while Bill loss his data because of monkey.

c) I have an experience related to loss of data when I transfer a file from a friend into a pendrive, which I forgot to remove the pendrive from the system.When i put the pendrive into my computer to get the data,the file that i've transfer was missing.

muhammad afiq bin rosli ea09080 e22 said...

a) for me the most disastrous passage are rob nicole, graham and bill.
b) i choose this three passage because it has different level of disastrous situation. I choose the rob nicole story because i pity the friend who had work hard and long for the assignment and still did not manage to past up the work because it has disappear in an instant.i can feel how heart broken he must felt.
For the next story which was written by graham, i choose this story because it shows the trainer brutal way of teaching his student to save their data on the computer as often as possible. Maybe he felt that the best way of learning is trough experience.
the last story is my most favorite.
This story was written by Bill.If a monkey trough my laptop out the window i would not know what to do. I might just stand and laugh. It a situation which even it is bad for you, you will still be able to laugh at it.

c) My experience with data lost, i usually don't use my battery on my laptop. i use only the power supply. I also have a habit to shake my leg when i am doing my work. SO one day when i was working on a paper which was due the next day, my shaking foot suddenly push the switch for the main power on my laptop. So i had to do my work all over again. Luckily i only wrote two letter only when it happened.

nizam said said...
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nizam said said...

a)The most disasters story for me are
Brian from Scotland,rob nicol from england
and Bill from United Kingdom.

b)Back to the Brian's story,
his mom had really lost her consciousness
and that should not happen to most matured
individuals and that's how the story got

disastrous is story number 2 is
about university student had lost
their 10, 000 word without backup
file when him computer had blew up due
to lightning hit , the all important
data from computer is lost without
backup file when the computer blew up,
it is disastrous because that student
had big problem to find again
an information about their
assignment and to write it
again in 10, 000 word .

the other example attract me is
the story of Nairobi in kenya.
This story is about a monkey
which stole the laptop then destroy
it by throwing it to the groud.
Not only the data get lost,
but the laptop also broken.

c)so far, i have experience of
losing the happen when my
laptop automatically turn off.
These things happen when I want to comment
on this blog.Then, when I open back my laptop,
all work that I do has gone without save.

mohd saifulnizam said


a) From those examples given, I think the most disastrous experiences are from Brian, Rob Nicole and Bill. For this examples, that data lost because of environmental factors like human action, animal and weather. Sometimes, we never thought or expect all that could come happen.
b) I like these three examples because it is something that related to me, as a student. Brian lost his data due to his mother buzzing when she could not get something to print and decided to throw out the mouse and keyboard through the window. This case possibly happens on us because human attitude certainly could not be expected. Besides, Rob Nicole got his friend’s experience about the lost of data. His friend had trouble when his assignment was lost because of his house was hit by lightning effect of thunderstorm. It is quite hard to redo the assignment in a short time. Lastly, for me, Bill got the quite ludicrous experience even though it something disaster. He is not confronting with human or weather but monkey that may be discerned his laptop is a food.
c) I myself had experienced data lost in my life. One night, I already complete my assignment that given by lecturer. However, I forgot to save it because of really excited success to complete it. My fate good because at that time still early. I had to redo my work with discontent.

Wan Norazila bt Wan Yusoff (EA09079) said...

A) The three passage that I think most disastrous are the passage which written by Rob Nicol, Darren Gillet and Bill.
B) The first passage tells about a completed of 10,000 word assignment by someone at university lost the entire assignment because his house was hit by lightning and blew up his computer. The reason I think this is disastrous because something like this happened without our expectation. It may happen anywhere and anytime. It is very poor to the student as he should redo the assignment. The second passage tells about Darren Gillet who was recently had a hard drive physically overheat and burn up on him taking more than 30 gigabytes of data with it. Luckily, he knows how to solve it. Let us think of someone is just learning on how to use the computer to recognize the hard drive, of course they do not know how to solve it and will probably dump the hard drive to the rubbish. So, what about their missing data? Surely they have to create or find new data. The third passage tells about Bill who was a cracked and bashed laptop threw by monkeys that hopping out of the bedroom window. This is disastrous because this is one of the problems that out of human control and human expectation as not aware that Nairobi has a great problem with monkeys which hopping out of the bedroom window with his laptop. This is maybe remind us to keep the window closed and locked our laptop when we are not around.
C) I have experienced the situation when I was making an important assignment. This story began when I completed the assignment last minute. My laptop is rather old and most of its functions effectively always slow. At that night, when I'm doing and almost finished my assignment, my laptop suddenly cannot hit anything and within a few minutes was blank. Before that, all the work I do not save yet. I dragged a bit long so I was disconnected the plug to restart again so that it’s working back. So, when my laptop working back, I was lucky that the new Microsoft Office Word 2007 automatically save the assignment even it is not saving manually. I'm so lucky.


a. I choose text of Graham, Bill and Brian as most disastrous.

b. Why I choose Graham’s text is because it is two ways to teach human being. First one is by harsh and the other one is by kind and soft way. This one is definitely the harsh way. However, it is very effective since it can remains in the hearts and minds of the people for a very long time or even forever. So they will not repeat the same mistake again which is not saving their work ever and ever again.

Second one is Bill’s story. I choose this story because it suits the best for travellers as it was set in Nairobi, Kenya. I like the story since it shows to us that eventhough we may think that we already have our belongings save in our hands, we should not let our guard down even for a second.

The third one is about Brian from Scotland and it is a very good example of unpatient person. Brian’s mother should never did what she did by throwing away the keyboard and mouse out the window. The problem is just about the printing. She should be more patient and if she doesn’t know something or anything just ask others that may know or just simply ask her own son, Brian. On behalf of Brian, he should never let her mother do the electronic stuffs all by herself because he knows about old people and new stuffs never get along.

c. In 2009, my external hard disk 3.5 inch in diameter had broken. The interesting about this is it has one terabyte of capacity to make things more complicated. I fill about 90% of the capacity and it just disappear in front of me. In there, everything that happened in my past 3 years blow out in the smoke. I get the new one by guarantee of that broken one. That was good but the bad thing is I only get an empty one terabyte of hard disk. That’s mean all the things in my old one is gone forever.

Fauziah binti Ahmad Zawawi said...

a) In this activity, I thinks the three most disastrous is written by Rob Nicol, Darren Gillett and Bill.

b) I choosed them because of what happened was something that was not anticipated. It seems trivial, but when he given a rather profound effect. For example the experience by Rob Nicol about how his friend had been hard pressed to complete 10,000 words. Unfortunately, accidents are not expected to cause fatigue tired just pointless.

Written by Brian tells how a mother can not print any documents. This situation may be due to damage to the printer or printer settings on the computer was missing. This situation invites the pressure when the mother is taken action to remove keyboards and mouse out rate. This clearly shows the impacts of each item that we make with your hard work in the event of an accident is not expected to give the impression of a rather bad.

The last accident was the Bill. How at first he was traveling to Kenya. Certainly there is the emotional feeling very excited but unfortunately she lost in the excitement of the laptop. The story started when she left the laptop in the room with an open floor. Perhaps at that time in his mind no one would take or stolen laptop because of the relatively secure. The laptop unexpectedly taken by the monkey. A beast that can not understand anything.

c) I have been through an accident like this, my story is similar to the story that is shared by Rob Nicol. The accident occurred while I’m working at the Naval Base. One day I was assigned to complete the surrender and transfer documents to the exchange of official duties of the new. All the information in the database on the strength of the members have clearly indicated to facilitate the new employee understand the situation that occurred in the database. Unfortunately, when they want to broadcast, computer viruses have been entered. All the data can not be opened until the cause I had to stay in office to complete the task for which I need to submit the next day. In conclusion, we must remain vigilant to any possibility.

by Fauziah binti Ahmad Zawawi


a) From my opinion, three most data disastrous out of six given are the experiences written by Brian, Rob Nicole and Bill
b) For the first article which is written by Brian from Scotland is about her mother was so angry and frustrated because unable to print something important. It’s seem like the problem is with her computer. The file her mother want to print is lost or corrupted. She then rip the keyboard and mouse and throw them out the window although keyboard and mouse was not related with the data loss. Second article is about a student from university was unable to handed over his assignment due to data lost when his house was hit by lightning and blew up his computer. Bob Nicol friend must complete a 10,000 word assignment again. Switch off all electric equipment especially computer when raining or thunderstorm to prevent damages that could cause data lost. Last article was so funny. It’s about unexpected cause of data lost. A monkey could steal a laptop and destroy it. May be the laptop display a banana wallpaper that attract the monkey.
c) My experienced about data lost happen to my laptop. I using my laptop to download movie and song. There are children songs and movie for my daughter. She always play and enjoy the children songs and movies. Many important data destroy when my computer was attacked by virus. All my files was unable to open and corrupted. My anti virus was not updated and expired. To all my friends, please renew your anti virus licence.


nurul namirah said...

a)From the text 'Odd Mishaps cause Computer Grief'.I choose the three of the examples from Brian. Rob Nicol and Bill about their experienced of the worst data disaster.

b)I choose this three experience because the story that be told by Brian is mention that it very hard when we lost something during the time that we want to use it. Secondly, the story when lightning will be a problem to electricity and when we use a computer and the data will be lost before we save it cause of that. The third story i choose is about the animal also can make a trouble when it an be a disastrous and he should lock up the laptop before going anywhere and avoid from this happen.

c) I have a experience last semester when i doing my assignment, my laptop is switch off automatically because the charger is damage. All my data that i type is gone just like that and i have to do it one more time.

Nurul Namirah bt Mohamad Royani

Norsyazwani bt Dan(EA09114) said...

a) From all the stories I have read, I think the most disastrous are the story which written by Rob Nicol, Graham, and Bill.

b) The reason why i choose these passage are that because the way the data loss was quite sad and very disappointing. For the first text written by Rob Nicol, he lost the entire assignment. It is because during the night there was a thunderstorm and his house was hit by lightning which fused the entire house's electricity and blew up his computer. From Graham's story is, all jobs are done just gone in an instant to lose power.This is because of his clumsiness. The last text I prefer to choose is written by Bill, UK it is about a laptop that was left in a room then being stolen by a monkey.Lastly is the laptop damage after being thrown by the monkey.As well as his own negligence in leaving a laptop on the table. From the story, the moral value that we get are we must to be alert or Lock the doors and windows when to leave the laptop.

c) I had experienced the data loss in my life. i usually do not use my battery on my laptop. i use only the power supply. These things happen when I want to complete my assignment. Suddenly, the power supply in the house loss and then my computer turn off. All the data must be loss as I did not save it earlier.

Zahida Amera (EA10116) said...

a) After read the 6 example from the text "Odd Mishaps Cause Computer Grief", I choose 3 examples by Rob Nicol , Bill and Brian.
b) I choose Brian data disaster because the files want to print is corrupted or the driver printer was damaged. When the important files was lost and corrupted, it makes the his mother infuriated and lost her temper and throw the mouse and keyboard through the window. Rob Nicol sad experience is when he lost all the assignment due to the thunderstorm and lighting that blew up his computer. The disaster of thunderstorm came without any warning and he don’t have a time to save all document in any hard disk or pen drive as a backup. At the other side of Bill , his laptop was shattered and all data lost because animal disturbance at Nairobi.
C ) My experienced with data lost is, usually don’t use battery. When I do the assignment suddenly the electric is black out for a while. Then my laptop is shut down suddenly. When I try to open the laptop , all data was lost and cannot back up. My laptop also need to be format because all software was corrupted.


a) From the text, I think three of the most disastrous experience was written by Brian, Rob Nicol and Graham.
b) I chose these three because the story is much the same story that happened in the round. The first is when the mother is not able to print and take the decision to remove the mouse and keyboard through the window. This is because of our attitude could not wait for to achieve something in doing a job. Story number two by Rob Nicol, England when a friend at university was set up 10,000 word assignment, he lost all the work when the lightning strikes the house and blew up his computer. Lesson from this story, when we have to do typing job we must save the data first bit by bit so that when something like this happens we have a backup. These things always happen to us as a student. Story number three by Graham, Belgium. Story how the group of executives was training to use spreadsheet. They not saving their work and after the plug were pulled out all the data has lost.
c) I also have experience in dealing with disasters like this. As a student we have a lot of assignment and mostly use a computer. I have completed more than 90% of my work. Because of misunderstanding of my friends who want to close the plug, he had closed the plug on my computer and all the data in it lost because I did not have time to make a backup first. I have no other choice and had to make it again

Mohammad Ridzuan Bin Ismail (EA09134) said...

a)From the passages that i have read, the most disastrous story to me is from Bryan, Rob Nicol, and Graham.

b)why i choose all of the story above because of the sadness data loss while want to finishing their job. Bryan's mother get angry because of cant get something to print at last, Rob nicol's friend cannot finish the assignment when the thunderstorm hit their computer and also some lesson because of not saving the works done by graham. So these 3 story tells us to always beware and always back up our work that have done by using computer.

c)Laptop hang while finishing assignment. that's what im facing for the last year. after writing bout 5 pages, my laptop suddenly hang and i forgot to hit the "save" button while doing the typing. all the data losses. i try to recall it back but at last i cant. its drive me crazy.i have to start the work all over again.